Your elected representatives from across the ITF’s regions, sections and departments met in Amsterdam to endorse the direction of the organisation in the run up to congress 2018 and hear the latest on ongoing ITF campaigns and key areas of work.
The ITF priority Airports Organising programme was featured heavily because of the ongoing organising drive at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and the involvement of EB host union FNV.
Lead organisor at Schiphol Airport Jaap De Bie gave a presentation to the board saying: “Airports are the globalised world in a nutshell. If we want to handle the consequences of globalisation we need union organising in airports to continue to be a priority so that we are building on our international network of union action and strength to support us in the future.
“Our organising drive is about bringing people together from across the airport in solidarity and in action.”
Updates on the ITF #OurPublicTransport programme, XPO campaign and industrial hubs project were all given to the board.
Members reaffirmed their backing to the ongoing bid for an ILO convention and recommendation on violence against women and men at work. The ITF not only wants to see the convention secured, but also to include specific recognition that transport workers, and in particular women workers, are at high risk of experiencing violence in their workplaces. Get more details>>
Closing the Executive Board ITF president Paddy Crumlin said the meeting had given members a ‘template for action’ to take back from Amsterdam to their regions, countries and industrial sections.