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ITF Asia Pacific regional conference kicks off #WeAreITF

သတင်းများ 26 November 2016

Every ITF region, industrial section and cross sectoral department (women and youth) will have their own conference falling under the umbrella of the Pathway to Congress (P2C). P2C is designed to make sure all unions have the opportunity to feed into the highest decision making process at Congress in 2018 and that the priorities and approach of each part of the ITF fit in with the global strategy summed up in the 4-levers. It’s about making sure the organisation is joined up and everyone is working towards the same goal of building union power.

ITF president and national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia Paddy Crumlin said: “This conference is a chance for unions from across the Asia Pacific region to regroup, to look at what we’ve achieved since our last congress in Sofia and to establish our next steps to take us to Singapore in 2018.

“Across the region it’s a time of huge challenges for workers, but also opportunities. We need to look at our collective response to the way technology is impacting our work through automation and mobile employment apps. We need to make sure we’re focusing our energy in the right places to build worker power regionally, and feed our regional successes into a thriving global ITF.”

The Asia Pacific conference is the first time representatives from across the region have met since a review of the region was carried out to refocus priorities, governance and staffing for Asia Pacific. Get all the details about the review and what it means for you, either as part of the AP region or the global ITF family.

The review will be high on the agenda at the conference, along with updates and next steps for industrial sectors in the region and the challenges and opportunities surrounding the future of work for Asia Pacific workers.

Follow reports, pictures, interviews and film clips from the event via @ITFglobal on Facebook and @ITFglobalunion on Twitter #WeAreITF 

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