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International Women's Day 2022: ITF launches Sanitation Rights Toolkit

Actualités 07 March 2022

On International Women’s Day 2022, we are excited to announce the launch of our Sanitation Rights Toolkit. #IWD2022

The toolkit contains resources for transport workers to win sanitation rights including key information about health risks, checklists for negotiators, contract language and more.

Sanitation rights are human rights, yet for far too long, transport workers have been denied basics like access to toilets and washing facilities.

Poor sanitation comes at the high cost of workers safety, health and dignity.

The issue is so widespread that many transport workers aren’t even aware their rights are being violated and employers can avoid the conversation about a lack of sanitation access as being simply ‘part of the job’. 

This toolkit launches on International Women’s Day as women often face additional barriers to sanitation such as no access to toilets assigned for women and no access to sanitary products.

To inspire workers to organise on this issue, the toolkit also includes examples of successful sanitation campaigns undertaken by ITF affiliated unions.

Many of the resources in this toolkit have been developed by, or in collaboration with, our affiliated unions around the world and will be continually updated.

Please contact to share more examples of successful union campaigns, resources and videos so we can share this through the toolkit.

Included in the toolkit is the Transport Workers’ Sanitation Charter.

Since its launch in 2019, we have been working with affiliates to build a campaign for access to decent sanitary facilities for all transport workers.

Employers across the world can and must do more to grant transport workers the safety and dignity they deserve.

Thank you for showing your solidarity this International Women’s Day by sharing our Sanitation Rights activist toolkit.

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No toilets. No supplies. No breaks.

Poor sanitation hits all transport workers — and especially women, the hardest.

On #IWD2022 the @ITFglobalunion launch a Sanitation Toolkit for all activists to organise for better sanitation ? RT in solidarity ?

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Hey, millions of transport workers worldwide are having their dignity and safety compromised by poor sanitation. The International Transport Workers Federation has just launched this Sanitation Rights Toolkit which provides key information for workers to know their rights and organise for improved sanitation. You can check it out here ?