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Gender Equality in the Indian Maritime Industry

Acknowledging the significant contributions of women in enhancing diversity and innovation, this study examines the current state of gender equality within the Indian maritime sector. By exploring the perspectives and experiences of employers, onshore employees, and seafarers, this research aims to highlight progress made and identify opportunities for further advancement.

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Harassment at Sea, SIU Survey

The Seafarers’ International Union of Canada decided that surveying our membership regarding the issue of harassment was a necessary step in addressing these problems that unfortunately exist on board seagoing vessels across the country, impacting tens of thousands of hardworking seafarers. Harassment has been a known issue in the industry for quite some time and the SIU Canada made the decision to take the first step in trying to grasp the severity and scope of the issue among our membership, after similar action was taken by our friends with the Norwegian Seafarers’ Union. We thank the Norwegian Seafarers’ Union for leading the charge globally on confronting these problems.

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