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News | 22 Jun 2020

Crew Change Crisis: ITF and JNG Joint Statement

The ITF and the Joint Negotiating Group, along with the International Chamber of Shipping have worked tirelessly since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic on...

News | 22 Jun 2020

World’s seafarers welcome Pope Francis’ support at critical time in crew change crisis

On Wednesday, Pope Francis released a video statement in which he paid tribute to seafarers and fishers, and acknowledged the difficult challenges they have been...

News | 15 Jun 2020 Press Release

Enough is enough: World’s seafarers will now exercise right to leave ships amid Covid-19 failures

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its affiliated seafarers’ unions will now assist hundreds of thousands of seafarers to exercise their...

News | 15 Jun 2020

ITF message to seafarers: Enough is enough, crew change now

Seafarers, we know that you, your loved ones, and your friends have had enough. You have the right to return home. While many countries have slowly started to...

News | 14 Jun 2020

Some governments waking up to crew change crisis as deadline, shipping chaos looms

The clock is counting down for governments to make Covid-19 travel exceptions and arrangements for seafarers, as an estimated over 200,000 of them are waiting to...

News | 11 Jun 2020 Press Release

ITF statement on complaint filed with European Commission by shortsea and feeder ship operators

Via the press the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) [and its affiliates] has heard about a complaint filed with the European Commission’s...

News | 05 Jun 2020

ITF affiliated unions celebrate centennial anniversary of the Jones Act on 5th June, 2020

ITF affiliated unions in the USA along with hundreds of thousands of seafarers are celebrating 100 years of the Jones Act – the law that requires cargo be moved...

News | 30 May 2020

ITF affiliates in US, Ukraine up pressure on national governments over crew change crisis

The trade union movement is increasing its pressure on governments to address the escalating crew change crisis affecting an estimated 200,000 seafarers is stepping...