Seafarers win collective bargaining breakthrough in Iran
An ITF-affiliated seafarers’ union based in Iran has achieved a major organising victory.
An ITF-affiliated seafarers’ union based in Iran has achieved a major organising victory.
The latest, special ITF podcast looking at the Covid-19 crisis has heard about the particular effects on working women.
A campaign from the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU), supported by the ITF and the International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC), is highlighting the key role of maritime workers to keep the world supplied with essentials during the Covid-19 crisis.
The ITF and its affiliated unions in Mexico have announced a growth plan to ensure the rights of working people are central to transport expansion in the country.
The ITF Arab World regional secretary and an ITF-affiliated union have held a key meeting in Oman to build closer relationships with the government.
An Indian seafarer has finally returned home, four years after being abandoned in Nigeria by his employer.
A high-level transport symposium in Johannesburg, South Africa has brought together the leaders of eight major unions to discuss how to appeal to the 76 percent of transport workers in the country that are unorganised.
Workers’ unions affiliated to the ITF have formed a new group in Papua New Guinea to cooperate more closely together.
International maritime unions have urged the Morrison government to reverse the decline of the Australian shipping industry and invest in the creation of a new strategic fleet to aid Australia’s emergency response capacity to natural disasters and move to protect the nation’s ec
The ITF has come to the rescue of 10 Kenyan seafarers who had travelled to Pemba, Mozambique through Tanzania in August 2019, to work on an EU-bound vessel, MV Nina.