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News | 17 Jul 2020

ITF organises solidarity calls for the Strike for Black Lives

Following the appalling murder of George Floyd by police at the end of May, the Strike for Black Lives will see workers across the US take lawful industrial action...

News | 16 Jul 2020 Press Release

300,000 Seafarers Trapped at Sea: Mounting crew change crisis demands faster action from governments

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) estimates that there are now approximately 300,000 seafarers trapped working aboard ships due to the crew...

News | 16 Jul 2020

Mounting crew change crisis demands faster action from governments

ITF Statement on Crew Change Crisis – 16 July 2020 Today marks one month since the ITF told the world’s governments that ‘Enough is Enough’ and that the...

News | 15 Jul 2020

ITF helps global seafarers repatriate via Spain

​Philippines crew from tanker Giancarlo D return home For the crew of chemical tanker Giancarlo D, Luz Baz and the ITF are a godsend. Luz is the ITF...

News | 15 Jul 2020 Press Release

Australian maritime regulator silent on crew change crisis

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) says the Australian federal government has been asleep at the...

News | 14 Jul 2020

Ghanaians deceived by Danish shipowner: 'We were treated like slaves'

By Anna Birch-Schmidt for 3F Fagbladet. Reposted with permission. A shipowner in Thyboøren, Denmark has been charged with human trafficking and...

News | 09 Jul 2020 Press Release

Governments must bring in exemptions for seafarers following summit

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has called on the world’s governments to act swiftly to give seafarers visa, border and quarantine...

News | 09 Jul 2020 Press Release

ITF calls out Berejiklian Government's “smokescreen” Ruby Princess inquiry

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) today branded the New South Wales Government’s inquiry into the Ruby Princess as a ‘smokescreen’ for...