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All content tagged with: "inspectors"

News | 03 Jun 2024

Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in record-breaking year of shame

2023 was the worst year ever seen for seafarer abandonment – and ITF inspectors recovered nearly US$60 million in unpaid wagesThe ITF’s global network of...

News | 11 Jan 2024 Press Release

Seafarer abandonment figures for 2023 a cause for concern

19 January 2024, London – The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) has today released its figures for the numbers of vessels abandoned in 2023 –...

News | 22 Dec 2023 Press Release

ITF inspectors holding shipowners to account

At the ITF’s Fair Practice Committee meeting earlier this month, the latest figures were presented highlighting the work of the ITF inspectors.  Key findings...

News | 02 Aug 2022 Press Release

Filipino authorities suspend recruitment agency after ITF red list warning over illegal fees

A Philippines-based recruitment agency that unlawfully charged seafarers placement fees has had its licence suspended after the International Transport Workers’...

News | 28 Oct 2021

Somalia: Mogadishu port authority must act to save the lives of abandoned crew

Eleven seafarers trapped aboard the Haj Abdulla (IMO 7702114) are at extreme risk, with the ship taking on water off Mogadishu, Somalia. The International...

News | 18 Oct 2021

ITF condemns assault on inspector, calls for zero-tolerance towards violence in maritime

An ITF inspector was physically assaulted by a ship’s Master in an unprecedented attack which the Federation says must be condemned. The assault happened onboard...

News | 25 Jun 2021 Press Release

Day of the Seafarer is meaningless without vaccines and our rights restored

Today is Day of the Seafarer and this year's theme is ‘a future fair for seafarers’. But there is little point contemplating what a fair...

News | 02 Jul 2020

ITF working to get Ukrainian seafarers’ wages back, repatriation from São Sebastião, Brazil

There’s 11,086 kilometres between São Sebastião, Brazil and the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. It’s those eleven thousand kilometres ITF Inspector Renialdo de...

News | 13 May 2020

Ship without a rudder: 15 crew abandoned on tanker in Manila Bay

Without a rudder, food, water, electricity, lights, wi-fi, refrigeration, GPS, security or safety lights, 15 seafarers sit at anchor in Manila Bay, Philippines....

News | 10 Jan 2020

ITF rescues Kenyan seafarers from Mozambique

The ITF has come to the rescue of 10 Kenyan seafarers who had travelled to Pemba, Mozambique through Tanzania in August 2019, to work on an EU-bound vessel, MV...