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Resources: Materials

Resource Materials | 08 Nov 2023

Seafarers' Bulletin 2023

This issue of Seafarers’ bulletin marks the 75th anniversary of the ITF’s campaign against flags of convenience. Thanks to our efforts, this discredited system...

Resource Materials | 10 Oct 2023

ITF IMEC International IBF CBA 2024-2025

This IBF Agreement is based on the IBF Framework CBA which sets out the standard terms and conditions applicable only to seafarers serving on any ship owned or...

Resource Materials | 08 Nov 2022

Seafarers' Bulletin 2022

Includes a guide to what the flags of convenience system really means for seafarers. We look at some cases of abandonment, where the FOC system gets in the way of...

Resource Materials | 02 Mar 2022

ITF Warlike and High Risk Areas

Updated 19 April 2024

Resource Materials | 02 Mar 2022

IBF Warlike and High Risk Areas

Updated 18 Jun 2024

Resource Materials | 21 Feb 2022

Miami Guidelines policy

Policy guidelines governing the approval of ITF acceptable CBA’s for cruise ships flying flags of convenience This “Miami Guidelines policy” revises...