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News | 13 Jul 2016 Press Release

ITF upholds cabotage role to TTIP stakeholders

ITF seafarers’ section secretary Jon Whitlow addressed the meeting’s audience of TTIP negotiators. He told them: The ITF welcomes the opportunity to state our...

News | 08 Jul 2016 Press Release

Statement by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) on the death of Philando Castile

“Right now our thoughts are with his family and friends, but I know there is nothing I can say to relieve the tragedy that has befallen them.“The ITF, and the...

News | 29 Jun 2016

ITF applauds Europe social partners’ stand against seafarer criminalisation

Captain Mangouras’ sentence – for ‘recklessness resulting in catastrophic environmental damage’ – overturns the previous judgement by the provincial court...

News | 23 Jun 2016

At sea for all: celebrate seafarers on 25 June

The campaign theme – At sea for all – recognises that seafarers are indispensable and invites people everywhere to ‘show their appreciation for the seafarers...

News | 22 Jun 2016

Korean union leader faces harsh sentence – protest now

The ITF, in co-ordination with the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation), is urging member unions to organise solidarity actions from now until 1 July,...

News | 16 Jun 2016

Outlaw Oceans author vows to continue investigation

Last year the New York Times began publishing The Outlaw Ocean, an ongoing investigation into what happens far from land. It revealed exploitation, crime, slavery...

News | 15 Jun 2016

We’re winning protection for workers in global supply chains

They strongly welcomed the ILC’s conclusion, in response to union pressure, that the International Labour Organization (ILO) arrange a tripartite meeting to...

News | 09 Jun 2016

Asia Pacific young workers get connected

Fourteen men and ten women participated in an ITF workshop in Singapore from 30 May to 1 June, where they shared experiences, discussed the challenges facing unions...