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News | 05 Apr 2017

Young transport workers make conference ‘stunning success’

The young workers set their strategic priorities to strengthen their role at the heart of both the 2018 congress and ITF priority projects, and made practical...

News | 03 Apr 2017 Press Release

Madagascan Government faces ILO complaint over 43 sacked dockworkers

The complaint has been lodged by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) on behalf of the Toamasina Port workers and their union SYGMMA. Steve...

News | 30 Mar 2017 Press Release

Malaviya Seven update

The move is the latest by the ITF in support of the crew of the vessel, which has been effectively abandoned in Aberdeen, Scotland by its owners, and detained by...

News | 28 Mar 2017 Press Release

ITF leverer tilfredsstillende statusrapport til Maersks generalforsamling

Fagforeningen deltog i arrangementet for at levere en statusrapport om den løbende dialog mellem virksomheden og fagforeningen, der er fastlagt ved ITF's Maersk...

News | 28 Mar 2017 Press Release

ITF delivers satisfactory progress report to Maersk AGM

The union members were at the event to deliver a progress report on the continuing dialogue between the company and unions established by the ITF’s Maersk...

News | 28 Mar 2017

Successes for Algerian unions

The groundbreaking agreement is the result of two years’ hard efforts by the FNTT and Mohamed Arrachedi, ITF Arab world network co-ordination. It covers the...

News | 23 Mar 2017

Montreal dockers’ move takes reclaim lashing campaign global

The reclaiming lashing campaign is run by member unions of the ITF and its European arm the ETF, and is supported by the two federations. At the meeting on 6-7...

News | 22 Mar 2017

ITF calls for action to win inclusion of ILO role in UN women’s conference conclusions

Member states at the UNCSW61 (13-24 March) are currently negotiating the agreed conclusions on the priority theme, ‘Women’s economic empowerment in the changing...