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Seminar addresses MLC implications for Turkey

News 17 July 2014

The ITF and its affiliate the Seafarers' Union of Turkey (TDS) organised a one-day MLC seminar in Istanbul on 7 May to raise awareness of the implications for Turkey of the imminent entry into force of the MLC, 2006.

The event attracted some 150 participants, primarily from the shipping community but including government representatives. It was supported by the Turkish Chamber of Shipping and attended by Cemakettin Sevli, general director for maritime and inland waters from the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication. It included presentations from ILO experts Dominick Devlin and Dierk Lindemann, as well as from the International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC) and the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO).

TDS president Dr Hasan Pekdemir encouraged participants to become more familiar with the MLC and invited all seafarers on Turkish flag vessles to become members of the union. “Trade unions are there in every aspect of the MLC in its very spirit”, he said.  “Labour rights are guaranteed under the MLC and the importance of dialogue between parties embodied in the tripartite system cannot be underestimated. It is vital that Turkey ratify the convention and become part of the MLC regime.

ITF Black Sea project coordinator Katie Higginbottom, who chaired the MLC seminar, commented: “This was a very important event. We were pleased by the clear expressions of support for ratification of MLC, 2006 and the recognition by all parties of the need for social dialogue to facilitate its implementation.”