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News | 28 Nov 2017

Call for action over attacks on Libyan trade unionist Nermin Al-Sharif

Nermin, general secretary of the ITF-affiliated Dockers’ and Seafarers’ Union of Libya, is an active and renowned advocate for human, workers’ and women’s...

News | 27 Nov 2017

MUA urges fuel security levy

Australia is the only member of the International Energy Agency (IEA) that does not meet the requirement of 90 days of liquid fuel supplies. Parliament has passed a...

News | 27 Nov 2017 Press Release

Seaman Guard Ohio ruling: ITF comment

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has provided support for the crew since their arrest in 2013, and has funded this appeal on their...

News | 24 Nov 2017 Press Release

International trade unions renew call for action over ongoing attacks on Libyan trade unionist

Nermin Al-Sharif, general secretary of the ITF-affiliated Dockers’ and Seafarers’ Union of Libya, is an active and renowned advocate for human, workers’ and...

News | 15 Nov 2017 Press Release

ITF: ‘new era for fishers begins’

Johnny Hansen, chair of the ITF fisheries section, commented: “Fishers work in one of the most dangerous and often unpoliced professions in the world. Far too...

News | 15 Nov 2017

ITF unions pledge to push for fundamental change on child and forced labour

Governments, employers’ and workers’ representatives from 193 countries are attending the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour in...

News | 10 Nov 2017 Press Release

ITF supports challenge to Boskalis over crew replacement plans

The latest plans would lead to the likely removal of 20 Netherlands nationals and their replacement by agency workers from other countries. It brings back to life...

News | 27 Oct 2017 Press Release

ITF applauds ‘historic breakthrough’ on Qatar kafala

Following years of international campaigning against kafala – a form of indentured labour that in practice has equated to often slavelike treatment of workers –...