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News | 27 Oct 2017

Another step forward for campaigning ITF as your elected representatives meet in Amsterdam

Your elected representatives from across the ITF’s regions, sections and departments met in Amsterdam to endorse the direction of the organisation in the run up...

News | 25 Oct 2017

Global unions criticise employers blocking UN progress on multinationals

The meeting, organised by the UN's human rights office on 25 October, is working on the elements of the proposed ‘international instrument to regulate, in...

News | 25 Oct 2017

ITF maritime labour lawyers drive legal agenda

Topics on the agenda included cabotage, abandonment, the fair treatment of seafarers facing criminal charges or investigation, and amendments to the Maritime Labour...

News | 25 Oct 2017

Seafarer’s remarkable life made into ITF film

It tells the story of how Shwe left Burma as a seafarer, but saw his life completely change as he took on a corrupt ship owner and was blacklisted for his...

News | 20 Oct 2017 Press Release

UAE and ITF to work together to solve abandonment cases

FTA and ITF officials met this week to discuss the increasing number of abandonment cases faced by the UAE and the Gulf State's desire to bring an end to the...

News | 11 Oct 2017

Seafarers: new ITF app supports your wellbeing

The free ITF Wellbeing app is available for both Android and iOS devices – just download it from your app store or from the ITF Seafarers website. It contains...

News | 10 Oct 2017

ITF and UNI renew global deal with DHL

In July 2016 the logistics giant first agreed to commit to continued dialogue, with the parties meeting four times a year to settle issues in a mutually acceptable...

News | 05 Oct 2017 Press Release

Joint statement: DP-DHL, the ITF and UNI Global Union agree continuous dialogue until December 2019

On 21 September 2017, the three parties met with the German NCP and the protocol was formally extended until December 2019, when it will be reviewed again. Already...