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News | 09 Sep 2021 Press Release

The International Bargaining Forum concludes negotiations, recognising seafarers’ Covid sacrifice

The ITF and JNG met from 1-3 September 2021 for important negotiations on wage increase and other cost elements. Due to the pandemic, the social partnership had...

News | 02 Sep 2021

Queensland: Australian-first COVID vaccinations for international seafarers

Queensland will become the first Australian jurisdiction to administer COVID vaccines to all international seafarers arriving in local ports, with a trial program...

News | 01 Sep 2021

Remembering John Coombs

Paddy Crumlin ITF President, MUA National Secretary On behalf of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)...

News | 19 Aug 2021 Press Release

San Marino sets up business as a ship registry despite being landlocked

Tiny, landlocked San Marino on the Italian peninsula has no clear maritime connections, which are usually the basis for a country setting up a flag registry....

News | 12 Aug 2021

Seafarers treated worse than criminals are finally allowed home

Above: Seafarers freed from the abandoned MV Jinan at a local bank to receive their wages with ITF Inspector Betty Makena Mutugi, the Seafarers Union of Kenya...

News | 11 Aug 2021 Press Release

Preventable death of seafarer during crew change off QLD coast highlights need for national approach

The Australian Government must urgently implement a nationally-consistent best-practice plan for crew changes on international trading vessels following the...

News | 05 Aug 2021 Press Release

Countries that take the money and run: new FOC countries listed

The ITF has added seven countries to its list of flags of convenience. These are countries which take registration fees but then typically avoid any of the...

News | 02 Aug 2021 Press Release

Knowledge is power and new ITF web tool aims to give seafarers that power

A new web tool will help seafarers looking for jobs through the maze of slippery manning agents and cunning scammers. launches today to give...