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ITF Delhi: 25 years of building workers’ power

新闻 07 October 2019

The ITF has marked 25 years of its presence in Delhi, India.

During this time the office achieved significant milestones, including:

  • the first ever ITF Congress to be held outside Europe and North America; the 1998 Congress in New Delhi
  • registering new unions and enhanced capacity through sustained education programmes in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand
  • mainstreaming women’s issues through increasing the number of organised women transport workers, building their visibility and holding activities across the region 
  • increasing Indian membership to one million just over three years after Stephen Cotton became ITF general secretary and set a priority to grow and activate membership

On 30 September 2019 the ITF Delhi office hosted a social event to celebrate its anniversary that included around 100 representatives from ITF-affiliated unions in India, other global union federations and solidarity support organisations.

ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton also congratulated the ITF Delhi office: “Happy birthday ITF Delhi! We opened the office due to the size and importance of Indian transport workers and their importance nationally and global.  Our Indian team have served their needs and supported them in many struggles over the last 25 years.  Additionally, they have built a wider network of transport unions across the whole of South Asia.”