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Americas conference sets out model for the future

新闻 03 July 2014

The conference featured a week of intense work, debate and activities, culminating in the agreement of a strategic work plan for use across the region. This centred on union organising as well as the expansion and development of powerful unions that stretched across different jobs, workplaces and sectors. A new era of union organisation was proposed, backed up by mergers and union education and campaigning.

The election of the ITF's first ever woman regional chair; Maria Christina Cadavid of ACAV Colombia was a highlight of the conference, underlining ITF unions' commitment to women transport workers leadership.

Americas region secretary Antonio Fritz explained: “Affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have been laying the ground work of change for the future. We're addressing the balance of power; this is a new model of powerful trade unionism fit for the future.”

The conference has its own dedicated website, to ensure maximum participation and interaction. Visit it here for photos, facts, film and news – including live updates; an appearance by Honduran dockers' leader Victor Crespo talking about the attack on him in September by three armed men and the setting up of the new FBTTT federation in Venezuela; and all the decisions for building a better future.

You can also find out more about ITF Americas on Facebook>>  and follow on Twitter>>. And you can check out the action from the Asia Pacific>>, Arab World>> and Africa>> regional conferences.

Speaking in the closing session, acting general secretary Steve Cotton told all those attending and who had joined the conference online: “It's a pleasure and a privilege to work for you and when we see you unified and making progress it inspires us more.”

Two hundred and five delegates from 74 ITF-affiliated unions across the region attended the conference.