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ITF addresses the Maersk AGM on continued cooperation

Actualités Press Release 10 April 2018

The ITF’s Maersk Network, which was set up to represent the thousands of transport workers employed across the globe by the multinational company, established dialogue between the company and the unions. At the AGM, the ITF reported on the ongoing relationship, and pressed for improved enforcement of Maersk’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. 

The team attending the AGM is Karsten Kristensen from 3F in Denmark; Donald Josberger from the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots in the USA; Paul Garrett from the Maritime Union of Australia, Emiliano Daniel Addisi, ITF Regional Education Coordinator; P.K Raman of New Maritime and General Kamgar Sabha from India and Steve Yandell, ITF senior section assistant for Seafarers, Fisheries, and Inland Navigation Sections. This will be the first occasion that the ITF will be attending having their own shares along with the shares from our affiliate 3F.

The ITF delegation informed the AGM of current challenges at certain APM terminals in Latin America. This follows a meeting of ITF affiliates in the region which has uncovered a number of trade union issues that need to be addressed.

Positive industrial relations do exist in many Maersk workplaces around the world. It is now vital that this applies to all regions and workplaces. The ITF also wish to see Maersk implement best practice when engaging third pay suppliers and contractors. 

Speaking from Sydney, ITF President and Chair of the Dockers’ Section Paddy Crumlin commented: “We are pleased that our delegation to the AGM is able to deliver to Maersk shareholders the message that we wish to see industrial relations best practice spread right across the world in Maersk operations. This follows from a successful meeting in Buenos Aires, where industrial relations were discussed at APM terminals in Latin America.” 

ITF seafarers’ section chair David Heindel added: “We look forward to continuing to work with Maersk to improve the relationship with our affiliates that are mutually beneficial for both parties. A growing world economy with demand for trade worldwide is important for the health of the company’s shipping and ports business, and a profitable company is good for its workers.”