Updates from around the globe on the ITF’s work to build a fairer, safer and more just world for seafarers. Our news section covers issues affecting all seafarers, wherever they may be, and what we’re doing to improve seafarers’ lives and jobs, now and in the future.
Avoid ‘Able Maritime’: ITF close to red list ban for shocking Filipino manning agency
The Able Maritime Seafarers Inc manning agency in the Philippines is close to being red listed by the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) after a series of incidents w
‘Be ambitious, but be positive’: new union voice delivers UN Global Compact climate message
A newly-appointed labour representative on the board of the United Nations Global Compact has delivered a positive message on the benefits of tacklin
Shipwreck survivor secures compensation with union’s support
In September 2019, a tug supply vessel sank in the middle of the central Atlantic Ocean.
LGBTI+ transport workers can benefit from new inclusivity resource
Transport workers who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) stand to benefit from a new resource
LGBTI+ transport workers can benefit from new inclusivity resource
The International Bargaining Forum concludes negotiations, recognising seafarers’ Covid sacrifice
The ITF and JNG met from 1-3 September 2021 for important negotiations on wage increase and other cost elements.
Queensland: Australian-first COVID vaccinations for international seafarers
Queensland will become the first Australian jurisdiction to administer COVID vaccines to all international seafarers arriving in local ports, with a trial program commencing in the coming weeks aim
San Marino sets up business as a ship registry despite being landlocked
Tiny, landlocked San Marino on the Italian peninsula has no clear maritime connections, which are usually the basis for a country setting up a flag registry.
Seafarers treated worse than criminals are finally allowed home
Above: Seafarers freed from the abandoned MV Jinan at a local bank to receive their wages with ITF Inspector Betty Makena Mutugi, the Seafarers Union o
Preventable death of seafarer during crew change off QLD coast highlights need for national approach
The Australian Government must urgently implement a nationally-consistent best-practice plan for crew changes on international trading vessels following the preventable death of a seafarer du
Countries that take the money and run: new FOC countries listed
The ITF has added seven countries to its list of flags of convenience.