Nermin, general secretary of the ITF-affiliated Dockers’ and Seafarers’ Union of Libya, is an active and renowned advocate for human, workers’ and women’s rights on both the national and international stage. She has been subject to ongoing attacks, including an attempt on her life earlier this year.
In the latest incident, Nermin was detained for several days and had her passport confiscated, barring her from travelling to an international ITF event in Morocco where she was due to address hundreds of women activists.
Representatives from ITF dockers’ and seafarers’ unions who were in London last week called for immediate action. In a collective statement, they said:
‘We demand that her passport is given back to Nermin Al-Sharif immediately so she can travel freely. We further demand that she is allowed to continue the important work she does for working men and women in Libya and elsewhere without restriction nor retaliation from any entity, and that she is given the necessary protection from her government. Finally, we demand that any undue investigation against her must cease.
‘Nermin Al-Sharif's relentless work for the promotion of human rights in general, workers' and women’s rights in particular and a healthy democratic debate is admirable and must be allowed to continue without restrictions, detention threats nor threats to her life and health.’
ITF president Paddy Crumlin added: “We urge every trade unionist, every ordinary working woman and man, everyone who cares about human rights and the right to freedom and justice to support this campaign. These are fundamental principles and we cannot afford to let them be eroded in this way.”
Support our sister Nermin now through the LabourStart campaign – Share this link with your own networks and contacts through email and social media.
ITF women participating at the recent WIMDOI (women in male dominated occupations and industries) conference in Australia demonstrated their support for Nermin.
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