That's from Christine at the Zimbabwe Amalgamated Railway Workers’ Union and it's just one of the stories shared to mark International Women’s Day last week.
ITF unions were encouraged to share stories of their successes in improving gender balance and giving women a voice in their workplaces. Pictures and reports flooded in from across the world of the work being done to promote women leaders and increase their visibility and influence in their unions, at work and in their communities.
Accounts ranged from alliance building schemes with management around key women’s issues by the Maritime and Dockworkers’ Union of Ghana resulting in more women in first line management positions than ever before, to new clauses around pregnancy and breastfeeding in the collective bargaining agreement for members of the CPOFPCM in Argentina. And those are just two examples! Go to the 8 March campaign pages for a rundown of what unions have been doing to develop, support and win for women transport workers: New stories are being added all the time so keep checking back for more.
If you’ve got a success story to share there’s still time! The ITF is collecting information on union activity around key women’s issues in the hope that it can be used in the future to inspire even more progressive and positive action. To get involved just fill in this short survey.
Follow the latest on ITF work and support for unions around gender issues on Facebook @ITFglobal and on twitter @ITFglobalunion #ITFwomen
Visit the women's pages of the ITF website for campaigning and organising materials