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News 23 November 2018

European project to recruit more maritime professionals

A new four-year project launched by the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), backed by the STC Group and co-financed by the European Commission, aims to attract and train more Europeans to work in maritime industries.

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News 23 November 2018

New minimum wage for seafarers around the world

Seafarers around the world should see an uplift in their wages following a new international minimum wage deal agreed by the ITF and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) at a meeting to review the minimum wages for seafarers as per the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC).

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News 16 November 2018

New guidance for when seafarers go missing

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and InterManager have issued new guidance for shipping companies and agents on how to handle situations involving seafarers who have gone missing while on board.

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News 16 November 2018

Seafarer killed doing a docker’s job

A Filipino seafarer has died in Dublin, Ireland while carrying out work that should have been done by dockworkers. Dennis Gomez Regana was doing lashing work on board the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged Francop in Southbank Quay when a container struck him during lifting operations.

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News 09 November 2018

New Mind Call helpline for seafarers

ISWAN (International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network) has launched a confidential helpline for crew in partnership with the marine insurers North P&I Club, as part of its “Mind Matters” campaign.

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News 09 November 2018

“New level” for Ukraine maritime union

“New level” was the theme for the annual union week organised at the end of October by the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU). Ukraine occupies the fourth position in the world for countries supplying maritime labour.

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News 02 November 2018

How do you feel? ITF survey on seafarers’ mental health

While the mental health of seafarers is currently a major concern, there has been limited research into this issue. Now a unique study by Yale University, commissioned by the ITF seafarers' section and funded though the ITF Seafarers' Trust, aims to get a picture of seafarers' mental health.

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