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Flags of Convenience

A Flag of Convenience (FOC) vessel is one that flies the flag of a country other than the country of ownership. It is attractive to shipowners who care more about their bottom line than the welfare of their seafarers, because it can save them money. 

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Double Bookkeeping

Double bookkeeping is an unlawful accounting system in which seafarers are forced to sign two different sets of contracts and/or wage accounts.


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Your wage rates will depend on whether you are serving on a national flag vessel or a ship covered by an ITF agreement. 

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Trade unions

Being a member of trade union can mean the difference between getting the medical help you need when you break a bone or suffering for a lifetime without proper treatment.

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Crewing agents

In countries where the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 has been ratified, crewing agencies offering recruitment services must not charge you for finding you work.

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Setting internationally recognised labour standards to protect the rights of workers

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is the UN agency that sets internationally recognised labour standards to protect the rights of workers.

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