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Marrakech Policy

The ‘Marrakech Policy’, adopted at the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ITF) 46th Congress in Marrakech, Morocco, in October 2024, now forms the governing framework for the global union’s campaigning work on Flags of Convenience (FOC). 

The policy is the culmination of five years’ work by union representatives from ITF maritime affiliates to examine, plan and develop a new strategy in line with the shifting reality faced by seafarers since 2010 – when the preceding Mexico City Policy was adopted at the ITF’s 42nd Congress in Mexico City.

The Marrakech Policy, adopted by the Joint Seafarers’ and Dockers’ conference, sets out the minimum conditions the ITF and its affiliated unions will accept on FOC merchant ships. In doing so, it incorporates the new understanding of the critical importance of global supply chains that emerged out of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the central role for shipping and seafarers in combatting climate change through a just transition.

The Marrakech Policy will now form the baseline for the ITF’s Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), which set the wages and working conditions for crews on FOC vessels, irrespective of nationality.

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ITF IMEC International IBF CBA 2024-2025

This IBF Agreement is based on the IBF Framework CBA which sets out the standard terms and conditions applicable only to seafarers serving on any ship owned or operated by a company in membership with the Joint Negotiating Group in respect of which there is in existence an IBF Special Agreement. Together with the IBF Special Agreement and the IBF Memorandum of Agreement, which may contain additional terms and conditions relevant to seafarers, the IBF Framework CBA makes an integral part of the general IBF settlement negotiated between the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and the Joint Negotiating Group (JNG) of maritime employers.

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Miami Guidelines policy

Policy guidelines governing the approval of ITF acceptable CBA’s for cruise ships flying flags of convenience

This “Miami Guidelines policy” revises the 1994 guidelines governing the approval of ITF acceptable agreements for cruise ships flying flags of convenience only. The cruise industry has developed a unique operational system which substantially differs from other maritime transport systems. These guidelines reflect the distinctive nature of the cruise industry and set out the instruments for the ITF affiliates signing acceptable ITF cruise agreements.

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ITF Uniform Total Crew Cost CBA

This Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), (hereinafter the “Agreement”) sets out the standard terms and conditions applicable to all Seafarers serving on any ship of which there is in existence a Special Agreement made between International Transport Workers’ Federation (hereinafter the “ITF”) and the owner or operator (hereinafter the “Company”).


Updated: 6 November 2023

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ITF agreements

ITF Agreements are only those that are approved by the ITF and only apply to ships flying a Flag of Convenience (FOC)*

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