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News | 26 Jan 2016 Press Release

ITF backs Seaman Guard Ohio appeal

ITF seafarers’ section chair Dave Heindel said: “We have now completed a full legal analysis of the court’s judgment and we firmly believe there are grounds...

News | 26 Jan 2016

Call for just transition for workers in ‘industry 4.0’

On the agenda were the challenges set by rapid technological developments, such as growing global mobile connectivity, artificial intelligence and autonomous...

News | 25 Jan 2016 Press Release

Joint statement: Shipowners and seafarers' unions team up to launch new guidance on the elmination of harassment and bullying

The new Guidelines, developed by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), can be downloaded from the...

News | 22 Jan 2016 Press Release

Year's first East Asia action week begins Monday

In Japan, a rally will be held at the Kotoku Kaiun company, over its refusal to talk with trade unions.

News | 14 Jan 2016 Press Release

ITF questions Alcoa probity

ITF seafarers’ section chair Dave Heindel stated: “The ITF is investigating apparent non-payment of crew on the Gold River, which arrived right after the MV...

News | 13 Jan 2016 Press Release

ITF condemns MV Portland seizure

The ejected crew were defending the Portland’s status as an Australian-flagged and crewed ship dedicated to Australian coastal routes, and protesting against its...

News | 08 Jan 2016

ITF welcomes Israel murder charges over arson attack that killed family

An ITF delegation visited the home of the family in the small rural village of Duma in the West Bank and met with relatives during a union mission to Israel and...

News | 06 Jan 2016 Press Release

International unions keeping close watch on Australia’s MV Portland dispute

ITF affiliate the MUA (Maritime Union of Australia) has been in dispute with Alcoa for nearly two months over the global miner’s plan to sack 40 local seafarers,...