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News | 30 Apr 2018 Press Release

MLC enters ‘new chapter’ for seafarers' rights

The STC has agreed on a new amendment to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 and will now be submitted to the next session of the International Labour...

News | 27 Apr 2018

Working towards the Fair Treatment of Seafarers - An outcome of the IMO Legal Committee meeting

A governmental delegation from the Philippines expressed their pleasure towards hosting this workshop. Thereafter, Panamanian delegation conveyed their willingness...

News | 27 Apr 2018

Ground-breaking discourse with the IMO on Abandonment of Seafarers

The presentation was entitled as “the Human Cost of Abandonment.” A vast number of national, and international, seafarers are known to be abandonment victims....

News | 16 Apr 2018

The Panama Canal “adrift” due to safety concerns

The NeoPanama locks in the Panama Canal have been surrounded by safety concerns since before the opening. A study commissioned by the ITF in 2016 provided an early...

News | 13 Apr 2018 Press Release

ITF Condemns the Panama Canal Authority issuing sanctions against Tugboat Captains

The Tugboat Captains are refusing to perform operations in the Canal because they have serious concerns regarding health and safety after the ACP’s unilateral...

News | 12 Apr 2018 Press Release

ITF Inspectors help repatriate abandoned Ukrainian Seafarers

In January 2018  the 16 Ukrainian crew members of the Bahrain flagged vessel, Avonmoor, were abandoned in the Port of Casablanca, Morocco, leaving them...

News | 12 Apr 2018 Press Release

Global union leaders converge to condemn ICTSI

Several international unions and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) general secretary, Steve Cotton, are in Melbourne this week to celebrate...