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News | 26 Nov 2018

ITF unions take action for World Toilet Day

Workers from dozens of countries go involved, including Nepal, India, Brazil and Argentina, covering road, rail, aviation and maritime. In Nepal, Kathmandu...

News | 23 Nov 2018

Armed robbery and piracy – latest incidents

Armed robbery and piracy continue to be hazards that seafarers face in many parts of the world. The latest incidents reported to the International Maritime...

News | 23 Nov 2018

People-smuggling across English Channel

A gang of Iranian people-smugglers is believed to be behind a recent increase in the number of migrants and refugees making the crossing from France across the...

News | 23 Nov 2018

Libya forces rescued migrants off cargo ship

The Libyan authorities have used rubber bullets and tear gas to remove around 80 migrants from a cargo ship that rescued them in the Mediterranean. The...

News | 23 Nov 2018

European project to recruit more maritime professionals

A new four-year project launched by the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), backed by the...

News | 23 Nov 2018

Union secures jobs for Norwegian seafarers

A campaign by the Norwegian Seafarers Union (NSU) has secured the jobs, wages and conditions of 700 Norwegian seafarers working on Color Line vessels. The company...

News | 23 Nov 2018

New minimum wage for seafarers around the world

Seafarers around the world should see an uplift in their wages following a new international minimum wage deal agreed by the ITF and the International Chamber of...

News | 21 Nov 2018 Press Release

NSU secures jobs for 700 Norwegian seafarers as government rules against flagging out Color Line vessels

This is a significant and hard fought victory for Norwegian seafarers and the ongoing ITF cabotage campaign. ITF affiliate, the Norwegian Seafarers Union (NSU), won...