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News | 13 Sep 2019

Australia bans two ships after ITF alerts on unpaid wages

Australia has banned two foreign-flagged ships after the ITF reported that crews on board had not received their wages. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority...

News | 13 Sep 2019

Record numbers attempt Channel crossing

A record number of migrants and refugees attempted to make the dangerous crossing of the English Channel to reach Britain in just one day. The UK Border Force...

News | 12 Sep 2019 Press Release

California AB 5 law: now we need a global law for ‘gig’ workers

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is calling for the new AB 5 law in California to be the inspiration for global rules that protect ‘gig’...

News | 10 Sep 2019

ITF welcomes release of seven Stena Impero seafarers, fate of the remaining crew remains unclear

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welcomes the Iranian authorities release of seven members of crew from the detained British flagged tanker...

News | 06 Sep 2019

Australia detains ship after ITF finds crew underpaid

The Australian authorities have detained a Chinese-owned bulk carrier after an ITF inspection revealed that the crew had not been paid their full wages. An ITF...

News | 06 Sep 2019

New direction for Italian policy on rescue ships

Italy’s punitive approach to search-and-rescue ships attempting to land migrants and refugees rescued from the Mediterranean Sea looks set to change with the...

News | 06 Sep 2019

Maritime crime threat to crews continues

Piracy and robbery – often armed – continue to pose threats to crews in many hotspots around the world. While the waters off West Africa remain the most...

News | 06 Sep 2019

Bulk carrier detained in Australia, crew owed $64,000

An inspector from the International Transport Workers' Federation boarded the Panama-flagged Fortune Genius when it docked in Gladstone yesterday (September 5),...