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News | 27 Nov 2019

Mental stress levels at sea dangerously high, study finds

A wide-ranging study by Yale University – commissioned by the ITF Seafarers Trust – has found dangerously high levels of mental stress among seafarers, and...

News | 26 Nov 2019

International young workers camp organises new union members in Uganda

Nearly 500 workers have signed up to their local union as part of a young workers’ camp in Jinja, Uganda, backed by the ITF. Over 100 young workers are...

News | 19 Nov 2019

Toilet rights are human rights: Transport Workers’ Sanitation Charter

On World Toilet Day, 19 November 2019, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is launching a Transport Workers’ Sanitation Charter, because...

News | 15 Nov 2019

Capacity building in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

The ITF has held a training session in Algiers, Algeria 10-12 November in partnership with the Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs des Transports - Union...

News | 11 Nov 2019

Urgent regional cooperation needed to tackle rising piracy attacks in Gulf of Guinea

On November 2, Pirates kidnapped nine crew members from the Norwegian-flagged MV Bonita while the vessel was at anchor off the coast of Benin in West Africa, and...

News | 05 Nov 2019

Indian seafarers plant trees at root of environmental campaign

The National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) has begun a drive to plant thousands of trees. It began with all officers, petty officers and ratings being asked...

News | 01 Nov 2019

ITF and Saudi Arabia commit to work closer together to support seafarers

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have committed to work closer together to support seafarers calling in all...

News | 28 Oct 2019

Union pursues compensation for woman captain

The European maritime union Nautilus is seeking compensation for a woman captain member who was denied her maternity rights. The case took place on board a United...