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News | 29 Mar 2021 Press Release

Seafarers, air transport workers must be prioritised for vaccine

Today the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) reiterates our strong request for seafarers and aviation workers to be prioritised by governments in...

News | 29 Mar 2021 Press Release

ITF welcomes Ever Given resolution

The world’s foremost transport worker body is welcoming the end to the crisis affecting the MV Ever Given (IMO: 9811000), the cargo vessel that has been blocking...

News | 24 Mar 2021 Press Release

Half of blacklisted Aswan fleet in hot water as Australia detains two ships

Australian maritime authorities have detained two vessels owned by controversial a Qatari shipping company for serious labour rights breaches just weeks after the...

News | 24 Mar 2021

Shipping industry launches vaccine guide for seafarers

The ITF has worked with the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) to produce a simple, easy-to-understand guide for seafarers on Covid-19 vaccinations. The...

News | 23 Mar 2021 Press Release

Maersk praised over pandemic, but unions urge follow-through on labour standards

Workers have just handed the world’s the largest container shipping company a report card for the last year – and there’s room for improvement. The...

News | 19 Mar 2021

‘I have had to swim to shore every few days to get food and water’ – Meet the seafarer trapped on board the MV Aman for four years (and counting)

The Red Sea Port Authority of Egypt has shirked its responsibility in the shocking case of Mohammad Aisha and the Bahraini-flagged MV Aman. They have a moral duty...

News | 19 Mar 2021 Press Release

Concerns of rise in number of seafarers impacted by crew change due to new COVID-variants

Shipping is concerned that the numbers of seafarers being impacted by the crew change crisis are on the rise due to travel restrictions imposed by governments in...

News | 17 Mar 2021

Court keeps captain captive in Suez Canal hotel

“This may be the last message, I write,” the captain of the MV Kenan Mete emailed on 11 February after the emergency generator on board failed, plunging his...