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News | 16 Jun 2021 Press Release

ITF wins freedom for hunger-striking seafarers after two years trapped on the ULA

Nineteen seafarers from India, Bangladesh, Turkey and Azerbaijan will be able to see their families again this week after the ITF’s advocacy brought their...

News | 07 Jun 2021 Press Release

‘Tip of the iceberg’: ITF inspectors recover $45m in seafarers’ wages amidst record-high abandonments

New figures released by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) show that $44,613,880 USD of seafarers' owed wages were recovered by the...

News | 24 May 2021 Press Release

Oxygen concentrators sent to India to save seafarers’ lives

Hundreds of lives will be saved thanks to two new emergency projects being funded by the ITF Seafarers’ Trust and delivered through two Indian-based seafarers’...

News | 21 May 2021 Press Release

Global vaccine rollout needed to stop crew crisis third wave

Seafarers’ unions today challenged governments, particularly those with maritime responsibilities, to endorse universal access to Covid-19 vaccines to prevent the...

News | 20 May 2021 Press Release

TRIPS waiver will save millions of lives, governments must act now

The world’s transport unions today have demanded that governments across the world support waiving intellectual property rights at the World Trade Organization...

News | 17 May 2021

ITF stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine, calls on Israel to halt attacks

Israel must immediately stop attacks on Palestinian territories which have already killed hundreds of innocent people, including children, said the International...

News | 12 May 2021

Stop the violence against civilians in Palestine

The ITF condemns all acts of violence committed against children and civilians in Palestine. The violence inside Al-Aqsa mosque, around Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif...

News | 06 May 2021 Press Release

UN task force should probe why governments failed to fulfill obligations to seafarers during pandemic

Shipowners and seafarers’ representatives have asked the United Nations to establish an interagency task force to examine the implementation and practical...