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News | 03 Jul 2014

Do you want to be part of something amazing?

The ITF is calling all interested affiliates with specific skills, expertise or experience to get involved in running fringe events at the ITF congress in Sofia...

News | 03 Jul 2014 Press Release

IBF press statement: Industrial relations collective, the International Bargaining Forum, concludes the final round of negotiations for 2015-2017 IBF Framework Agreement

The ITF and JNG met in Indonesia between 4-5 June 2014 to conclude negotiations for the creation of the new IBF Framework Agreement. The round of negotiations...

News | 03 Jul 2014

Specialists in organising come together at ITF

Transport workers are at the centre of the world’s supply chains. They move goods from their source and production to consumers worldwide. When transport workers...

News | 03 Jul 2014

ITF shares women’s leadership learnings at maritime women event

The event examined the opportunities and challenges facing women in the maritime world. ITF women transport workers’ coordinator Alison McGarry was among the...

News | 03 Jul 2014 Press Release

ITF: 'Sewol trial must follow due process'

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has spoken out on the need for due legal process to be followed in the trial of crew members of the Sewol...

News | 03 Jul 2014

ITF backs workers in Europe

The ETUC says that workers across Europe continue to experience economic and social uncertainty five years after the recession hit the continent. The campaign seeks...

News | 03 Jul 2014 Press Release

Maritime unions gather to strengthen South Pacific trade unionism

Maritime Unions have met in Auckland, New Zealand, to work towards a Regional Maritime Federation to build union strength throughout the South Pacific.The meeting...

News | 03 Jul 2014

Swazi union leader finally free

ITF affiliate STAWU has been fighting to free Thwala since 2012, when he was arrested and charged on a picket line protest. Swaziland is one of the world’s last...