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News | 10 Jul 2014 Press Release

Advance notice to press: Handing over of letter of protest in Châtel-St-Denis, Switzerland, September 26

Members of the press are invited to attend the public handing over of a letter of protest next Thursday 26 September at the headquarters of Swiss-based offshore...

News | 10 Jul 2014 Press Release

International delegation takes protest direct to Swiss HQ

A high level trade union delegation from several countries will gather in the small Swiss town of Châtel-St-Denis tomorrow, 26 September, in order to question the...

News | 10 Jul 2014

ITF calls for US charity ride support

The ITF and several other organisations are sponsoring a new charity event on 12-15 July to benefit seafarers in the United States. The inaugural 2013 Poker Run...

News | 10 Jul 2014

ITF urges support for Day of the Seafarer

The ITF and its maritime affiliates will be supporting this year's ‘Day of the Seafarer' on 25 June. Under the theme of ‘Faces of the Sea’, the International...

News | 10 Jul 2014

Trade unions gear up for Workers’ Memorial Day

Trade unions in some 100 countries are planning rallies, protests, educational activities and other events to commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day on 28...

News | 10 Jul 2014

Pollution warning on unclean ship in Melbourne

ITF Australia coordinator Dean Summers has warned of potential environmental damage in Melbourne, Australia due to an unsafe vessel inspected in the port. The...

News | 10 Jul 2014

Concern about failure to report casualties

Some flag states are failing to submit the required reports on maritime casualties, said shipowners and maritime unions in a joint submission to the International...

News | 10 Jul 2014

ITF calls on affiliates for Tunisia protest

In solidarity with ITF-affiliate the Syndicat General de la Marine Marchande et des Ports, the ITF has today urged its affiliates to send letters of protest to...