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News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

East Asia action week is under way

ITF inspectors and dockers’ and seafarers’ union members began an East Asian maritime action week on Monday in ports in Japan, Korea, Russia and Taiwan. The...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

ITF to send Mission to Gaza, West Bank and Israel

The ITF, supported by the ITUC is to send an Executive Board Mission to Gaza, the West Bank and Israel. The mission will be the start of a four year programme to...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

ITF 43rd congress officially closes in Sofia, Bulgaria

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) 43rd congress in Sofia, Bulgaria has been hailed as the best ever at its closing ceremony today. ITF...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

FTTUB leader to be ITF Vice-President

Yordanova, who is currently a member of the ITF’s Executive Board, will take up the role in 2016. Delegates elected her in recognition of her “extrordinary...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

Утре стартира световният конгрес на МТФ

Най-мащабният досега конгрес на МТФ (Международната Транспортна Федерация) започва утре...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

ITF congress hears Australia’s Barrow Island could be declared ‘port of convenience’

Speaking from the ITF congress in Bulgaria today, International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) president Paddy Crumlin said Australia’s Barrow Island could...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

Campaign for justice for Panama Canal workers

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has ramped up its campaign against the Panama Canal Authority over its ongoing failure to provide decent pay...

News | 11 Sep 2014 Press Release

Campaña por la justicia para los trabajadores y trabajadoras del Canal de Panamá

La Federación Internacional de los Trabajadores del Transporte (ITF) ha intensificado su campaña contra la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá a causa de sus repetidos...