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News | 23 Jan 2015 Press Release

East Asia action begins Monday

The teams will check and enforce decent pay and working conditions onboard vessels. In Japan a rally will also be held at the Kotoku Kaiun company, over its refusal...

News | 20 Jan 2015 Press Release

ITF repeats call for Rotterdam dialogue as dockers protest

On Sunday the vessel Alsvin loaded containers at RWG, in what was believed to be a test operation. It then moved to the ECT terminal in Rotterdam to discharge them....

News | 14 Jan 2015 Press Release

ITF statement on new WMU president

ITF general secretary Steve Cotton said: “This is great news, not just for the university but also for shipping and seafarers. The WMU has chosen an outstanding...

News | 23 Dec 2014

US takes action against "magic pipe" polluters

The New Orleans court has convicted a Greek chief engineer from the Trident Navigator for knowingly falsifying the vessel’s oil record book, obstruction of...

News | 23 Dec 2014

Somaliland takes action against illegal fishers

Although Somaliland is not recognised as a state by the United Nations, the action, taken by coast guards trained by Western states, is significant in addressing...

News | 23 Dec 2014

EU to extend employment protection rights to seafarers

Rights to information and consultation, works councils and rights involved in cases of employer insolvency, collective redundancies and transfer of undertakings...

News | 19 Dec 2014

Abidjan dockers‘ solidarity helps seafarers win back pay and first CBA

And, in a first in the region, the German union ver.di signed a collective agreement with the German shipowner.   The plight of the 22 crew on board the...

News | 17 Dec 2014 Press Release

ITF calls on Australian government to do better on labour rights

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is calling on the Australian Government to improve labour regulations after the Federal Court found two...