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News | 13 Mar 2015 Press Release

ITF Calls For Investigation Into Chevron’s Management of Gorgon LNG Project Evacuation Procedures As Severe Tropical Cyclone Olwyn Approaches

More than 1,000 workers are stranded on Barrow Island, off the north-west coast of Australia, after the Chevron stuffed up plans to evacuate its workforce ahead of...

News | 10 Mar 2015 Press Release

ITF Seafarers’ Trust renews support for a humanitarian response to seafarers subjected to maritime piracy

Trust funding enabled the MPHRP to make a significant contribution to the welfare support of seafarers, and their families caught up in and affected by such...

News | 05 Mar 2015

Could you be a participant in ITF youth summer school?

And now the search is on for attendees for this year’s summer school, being held in July in Washington, which will specifically focus on young workers, those...

News | 04 Mar 2015

ITF calls for dialogue and worker involvement during historic Kenya conference

ITF representatives, government officials, international development partners, industry players, maritime workers’ unions, embassy representatives and members of...

News | 27 Feb 2015 Press Release

ITF joins US Coast Guard shore leave debate

Submissions have been made from across the industry, including from the AMO, MM&P, MEBA and SIU trade unions, the Chamber of Shipping of America and the...

News | 26 Feb 2015

Union action protects right to strike

Union resistance to a plan by employers to remove the right reached a peak during an international action day  on Feb 18th. Within a week unions and employers...

News | 26 Feb 2015 Press Release

Right to strike upheld – but needs defending

ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) general secretary Steve Cotton explained: “Unions and employers meeting at the ILO have upheld the general...

News | 23 Feb 2015 Press Release

ITF welcomes hard-fought deal for ILWU workers on US West Coast

Negotiations had been underway since June last year in what had become an increasingly bitter dispute.   The PMA earlier this week ratcheted up their side of the...