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News | 17 Nov 2015

Nermin attack shows need for union action to end violence against women

Al-Sharif, leader of the ITF-affiliated Dockers and Seafarers Union of Libya, was shot at on 8 November while driving. She has fought ceaselessly for her members’...

News | 16 Nov 2015

AMOSUP achieves world record during 55th year celebrations

Some 8,500 AMOSUP members and their families, along with other unions, social partners and international guests, enjoyed the day-long celebration at the Mall of...

News | 12 Nov 2015 Press Release

ITF urges Alcoa to rethink Australian coastal sackings

The ITF – which represents 4.7 million transport workers worldwide – has expressed its concern that Alcoa was trying to exploit local laws and circumvent...

News | 12 Nov 2015

ITF calls for action after attempted murder of female union activist

Nermin Al-Sharif, leader of the ITF-affiliated Dockers’ and Seafarers’ Union of Libya, was driving a car near Benghazi that crashed after it was followed by two...

News | 03 Nov 2015

ITF stalwart voted union congress president

ITF general secretary Steve Cotton congratulated her on behalf of the federation. He told her: “This well-deserved appointment is gratifying in so many ways:...

News | 28 Oct 2015

ITF steps up cabotage campaign

Cabotage is in place in some form in 47 countries. It is the system of reserving a nation's domestic maritime commerce for its own citizens to ensure the retention...

News | 23 Oct 2015 Press Release

Chevron fined millions for tax scheme

Paddy Crumlin, ITF President welcomed today’s decision and said Chevron needed to come clean and pay its fair share of taxes. “This demonstrates the complete...

News | 21 Oct 2015

ITF inspectors march against attacks on transport workers in Panama

Over 100 ITF inspectors have joined a march in Panama City against government attacks on the rights of Panamanian transport workers and the Panama Canal...