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ITF calls on activists to join global Walmart campaign

News 10 July 2014

The ITF this week called on affiliates to join workers around the world and demand good jobs at Walmart companies and along the Walmart supply chain.

The global action week, coordinated by ITF’s sister global union federation UNI Global Union, runs from 18-24 November. Walmart workers come together to demand good jobs seeks to highlight and improve working conditions at Walmart stores and throughout the Walmart supply chain. Walmart is the world’s largest and richest retailer, and is run by one of the richest families in the world.

Despite its wealth, the company has reportedly turned down the requests of workers seeking to improve their own working conditions. UNI Global Union reports that Walmart has disciplined and even fired workers who spoke out for better jobs in the US. Meanwhile, reportedly unsafe working conditions at Walmart Bangladeshi garment factories have been linked to tragic loss of life; over 1,100 people died in the April 2013 Rana Plaza disaster, and another 112 died in a fire at a Walmart clothing factory just last week.
UNI Global Union has asked customers and workers alike to stand up for decent work, with actions available to take both online and offline. With workers from Argentina to Zambia taking action, the ITF is also calling on affiliates to rise to the challenge.

Ingo Marowsky, ITF global head – supply chain and logistics, said: “As workers, we are always stronger when we act together. As companies increasingly work across national borders, so we must organise across borders and sectors. Combatting international giants like Walmart is possible only when we all pull together – and send a strong message that workers will not be bullied, demeaned, or have their lives threatened through below par working conditions.”

Find out more about online and offline actions you can take to show solidarity here, at the Alliance at Walmart's facebook page.

Sign UNI global union’s online petition and demand respect for Walmart workers

Download campaign materials in English and Spanish here

Watch our film on the first ever US strike in Walmart's history!