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Dockers and seafarers: share stories online and build activist links

News 10 July 2014

Activists from across ITF docker and seafarer unions are being encouraged to share their stories and experiences via the dedicated dockers and seafarers website as part of the drive to grow and solidify links between maritime union members on the ground.

Originally developed to support the Maritime Roundtable (MRT) event, the dockers' and seafarers' site is now available as an online platform for activists to blog, upload pictures and videos, engage with each other in the secure forum and give reports of their own union successes and struggles.
The MRT was the first fully activist focused event for the ITF and it’s hoped that part of the legacy from it will be an active and engaged online group using each others' knowledge and experiences to support and strengthen their own unions.
As part of the drive to engage activists further and give workers on the ground the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback to the maritime secretariat within the ITF, members of the dockers’ section team will be taking part in virtual drop in sessions hosted on the dockers' and seafarers' website.
Get involved now by posting your stories, reports and pictures to the website and encouraging other activists in your union to do the same. Start a conversation with other dockers and seafarers around the world via the blog.
The dockers' and seafarers' forum is in a secure area of the site to allow activists to discuss organising, bargaining and negotiating tactics in a private arena. If you want to access the secure area go to the‘create account’ section under login. Your details will be sent through to the team and verified.