Positibong Marino (PMPI)
Positibong Marino Incorporated Philippines (PMPI) provides psychological and wellbeing support, advice and information to HIV positive seafarers.
Contact via website: http://positibongmarino.com/contact-us/
Positibong Marino Incorporated Philippines (PMPI) provides psychological and wellbeing support, advice and information to HIV positive seafarers.
Contact via website: http://positibongmarino.com/contact-us/
Hunterlink provides mental wellness support to international seafarers from around the globe. A service for all sailors at every port throughout Australia. It does not matter which side of the world you come from or what kind of ship you work for. If you have a problem you can call, email or text for advice and help.
Working in a social partnership with the International Transport Federations, with funding from the ITF Seafarers Trust to best support international seafarers and their mental health whilst visiting Australian waters and remote locations.
Text Message 0417 281 264
Request callback: https://www.seafarerhelp.org/en/callback
Viber: +44 (0)7741 594549 (available Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 UK time only)
ВКонтакте: vk.com/seafarerhelpclub
SMS: +44 (0)7624 818405
Live Text Chat: Available on website
"It is okay not to be okay.
Your worries and anxieties are valid just like the uncertainties and obstacles that many people face. At the end of the day, what matters is being protected and healthy in terms of your physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing.
We are here for you."