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Peru's dockworkers win

News 10 June 2015

The ITF reacted quickly at the beginning of the dispute, providing strategic support via its Americas office. ITF officials approached President Humala about the cases of trade unionists who were arrested by state intelligence services as early as day one of the strike. The Federation brought demands to end freedom of association violations before the national ombudsman as well as to Peru's judiciary bodies. 

Meanwhile, the multinational port operator used the Peruvian Navy to load and unload cargo in an attempt to minimise the impact of the action.

The clauses agreed were enshrined in an agreement covering 2014 to 2016, and which include: a two-year pay deal, schooling allowance, health care loans and family/dependants' compensation in case of death or injury. 

APMT also committed not to discriminate against strikers or union members, and, importantly, to establish a union office in the port as well as to provide paid facility time for a union representative. 

Next year a new agreement should be negotiated.

"Workers were united in this dispute,” said Antonio Fritz, ITF Americas regional secretary. “They worked together, cooked together and stuck together. They were resilient and resolute despite the use of navy personnel and seafarers to carry out dockers’ jobs in a clear violation of ILO freedom of association conventions.”

He continued: “This outcome is testament to their strength. Tellingly, its a result that's  good for workers and good for APMT. It's the kind of result we like, because the ITF wants prosperous port operations that benefit all – the company, the workers, their families and the national economy.”