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ITF industrial hubs programme in spotlight at UK union conference

News 27 November 2015

Just one of the reactions to promotion of the ITF industrial hubs programme during the sectoral conferences of UK affiliate Unite the Union this week.

Unite has been working with the ITF to pilot the programme which is based around building industrial strength by organising along supply chains which feed into one geographical location. The current projects centre around transport hubs, ports and airports but the principle could be applied to any sector of the economy making, for instance, a hospital, college or industrial estate a hub.

A film featuring workers from road transport, oil and gas, manufacturing and logistics talking about their experiences of the hubs programme and their aspirations for using the model to build industrial strength in their own locations, made up part of the hubs presentation.

Unite member Adi Higgs who works for a chemicals company in Grimsby watched the film during his sector conference. Giving his reaction he said: “I’m totally sold on the principle. I want everyone to be able to use the hubs concept to secure better facilities, better pay and better training across the board.

“Whether you’re in the warehouse doing the production or the office doing the admin or the cleaning, or you’re driving the truck, we have to be working together because ultimately if people see us organising in this way, coming together as a strong unit, they want to be part of a union like that.”

There are plans in place to roll the hubs programme out beyond the UK with the Arab World set to be the next region to implement it.

Watch the film now!

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