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Women Seafarers' Health and Welfare Survey

After recognising this possible gap in available health information and provisions which address health issues specific to women seafarers, representatives from IMHA, ISWAN, ITF and SHS designed an online pilot survey to find out how women currently working at sea view their health needs. This was conducted from the beginning of June 2014 for two months and was completed by 100 respondents.

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C190 Toolkit

The ITF's ILO C190: A Transport Workers' Toolkit is a tool for transport unions that supplements the joint GUFs toolkit launched in June 2021. The toolkit is a useful tool for unions to build action and awareness using a set of briefings on issues that affect transport workers most significantly and how unions can identify targets and allies to strengthen their campaigns. Each briefing looks at understanding the issue and its importance for transport workers, what C190 can do to help, and activities to encourage union action.

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Women Seafarers Report 2022

The Mission to Seafarers has been providing practical and spiritual help to seafarers for over one hundred years. Everyday our chaplains, staff and volunteers visit ships all over the world providing emotional support, friendship and a listening ear to seafarers who may be thousands of miles away from home. Our centres provide a place where seafarers can have much needed respite from their ships and a chance to connect with family and friends via the free wi-fi which we provide. We know that seafarers need our support, but we need to ask if there is more specific support that we can provide for women seafarers.

The report explores some of the key challenges that women seafarers face so that we can then reflect on these and identify ways that the Mission can respond to their specific needs.

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News 08 March 2021

IWD 2021: How to stand with women working in maritime

Today is International Women’s Day – 8 March. All across the globe, the ITF global family are celebrating the contribution of women transport workers to moving the world.

We take a look at what today means for women working in the maritime industries.

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