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All content tagged with: "crew change crisis"

News | 07 Jul 2020 Press Release

ITF affiliates stand for crew change

Seafarers in their unions are putting more pressure on the world’s governments to allow for crew changes, as more than 200,000 seafarers are now trapped aboard...

News | 07 Jul 2020

Open message from major labour providing unions affiliated to the ITF to global seafarers and the international community

The race to develop a Covid-19 response that controls the virus, protects people and provides relief for battered economies is an urgent priority. However, as...

News | 02 Jul 2020 Press Release

Crew of Global Cruise Vessels to return home from UK

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has been assisting hundreds of seafarers aboard the six Global Cruise Lines’ vessels currently in Tilbury...

News | 01 Jul 2020

Governments must protect trapped seafarers' human rights

As the Covid-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions put in place to attempt containment drag on, around 200,000 merchant seafarers are trapped aboard ships in...

News | 25 Jun 2020

Their story: the hunger striking seafarers at Tilbury trying to get home

Four months without pay and 48 hours without food, 47 seafarers off the coast of the UK are desperate to get home to their families. The mainly Indian crew are...

News | 25 Jun 2020

ITF Statement on ‘Day of the Seafarer’ 2020

Today is the ‘Day of the Seafarer’ a day when we should celebrate seafarers, but this year, as world’s seafarers are let down by governments there is little...

News | 22 Jun 2020

Crew Change Crisis: ITF and JNG Joint Statement

The ITF and the Joint Negotiating Group, along with the International Chamber of Shipping have worked tirelessly since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic on...

News | 22 Jun 2020

World’s seafarers welcome Pope Francis’ support at critical time in crew change crisis

On Wednesday, Pope Francis released a video statement in which he paid tribute to seafarers and fishers, and acknowledged the difficult challenges they have been...

News | 15 Jun 2020 Press Release

Enough is enough: World’s seafarers will now exercise right to leave ships amid Covid-19 failures

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and its affiliated seafarers’ unions will now assist hundreds of thousands of seafarers to exercise their...

News | 15 Jun 2020

ITF message to seafarers: Enough is enough, crew change now

Seafarers, we know that you, your loved ones, and your friends have had enough. You have the right to return home. While many countries have slowly started to...